Tammy Ditzel is a coach and trainer, and CEO of Inesse Consulting, LLC . She graciously joined me to share some of her best tips and approach to creating a thriving business that fits who you are and your life. Whether you have (or are thinking of starting) a small business or are a professional focused on managing your career and life, Tammy's valuable tips will help you thrive professionally and personally.
On the self-care side, I love her tip to schedule something *you* enjoy at least once a quarter. That's completely doable and its positive effects will show up in all parts of our lives for weeks to come! Listen to our conversation here:
For additional work and life tips from me and 17 other pros (plus our recipes, including my "Lavender Cookies"), order your own copy of Nourish Your Career. Also available from Amazon.
Shahrzad is a holistic career counselor, trainer, speaker, and author of Nourish Your Career. If you'd like to work with her to nourish your career and life, contact her at shahrzad[at]careerconsultmd.com or visit www.careerconsultmd.com